If you know you want to book a maternity nurse, you are in the right place. At the bottom of this page is your maternity nurse request form.
Interviewing a candidate is always a two way process for you and the candidate to see if you will work well together. Throughout the interview remind yourself that you will have to work closely with them, you will be a team. Because of the nature of maternity nurses’s work it can sometimes be difficult for them to travel to an interview, so often the first interview at least will be done over zoom. If they have to travel to your interview from another location they might ask to have their interview expenses reimbursed. This is always negotiated before.
A maternity nurse is there to help you take care of your baby just after it is born. They help you establish your routine, give advice on feeding and care and are there to support your transition into parenthood. Having a maternity nurse on your team can make the difference between overwhelm and a present and calm start to your new family member joining you. A Maternity Nurse is there to help you have a smooth transition into parenthood and a growing family. Maternity nurses encourage parent’s involvement and build confidence in handling their new family member as they get to know them and support a positive and nurturing relationship between other siblings and their new family member.
Maternity nurses work on either a five or six day-week on a 24-hour basis. The Maternity Nurses we work with charge 150-500+ euros per 24 hours depending on their experience, if it is one baby or multiples, as well as other factors. They are paid a gross salary and they are responsible for their own taxes, social charges and insurance. A maternity nurse might have travel expenses, food and accommodation costs to pay, and depending on how far they travel for each position it will be reflected in their fees. Sought after Maternity Nurses travel the world and charge accordingly. It is important to know that all maternity nurses will expect time and a half or time off for public holidays and they will also request travel expenses to and from the placement.
Salaries are generally paid weekly and must be agreed before the placement.
When you book your maternity nurse starting from your due date, that is when they are on call for you, and if the baby is born later, your maternity nurse will get 50% of their gross weekly salary from the day they are booked until they work. She will start the work when you need her.
The agency introduction fee is separate to the salary you pay your Maternity Nurse. The introduction of a candidate to a client by Riviera Nannies is always confidential and a full agency fee will be charged for any maternity nurse employed as a result of an introduction by us, even if the introduction is made indirectly. Our fee is 20% of the maternity nurse’s fees+ VAT.
Along with helping new parents with feeding the baby, a maternity nurse is responsible for all the baby’s physical needs. It includes bathing, changing and soothing the baby, and also taking care of the baby’s laundry.
If your baby is formula fed, the maternity nurse prepares all formula feeds, and makes sure all equipment is clean and sterilized. Your maternity nurse is responsible for feeding the baby day and night and will establish a good routine in collaboration with the parents.
If you are breastfeeding your baby, your maternity nurse will support the mother when she is feeding and offer advice where necessary. Some maternity nurses are also lactation consultants, or are experienced working along side one to support mothers breastfeeding. The maternity nurse then takes the baby after feeds and resettles them day and night.
Since a maternity nurse is expected to be on duty for 24 hours it is so important that they have time to rest. They need to be rested to be able to provide effective, safe care all the time. Your maternity nurse should be given a three hour break in any day as organized with the family.
Your maternity nurse can share the baby’s room or have their own room. There may be a bathroom for their own use or they can share a bathroom with the baby or other siblings. All food will be provided for a maternity nurse by the family. They should cook their own meals and clean up after themselves at all times. It is not the maternity nurse’s duty to cook for the family, however if mom is breastfeeding or recovering from a C-Section the nurse is of course supportive and helpful and brings snacks or lunch and make sure she drinks enough fluids.
Maternity nurses are booked for a six-day week and are on call 24 hours. Your maternity nurse should have 24 hours off every seventh day and can either stay at the position with no duties at all during this time or leave during their time off.
Daily maternity nurses generally perform the same role and duties as a 24-hour maternity nurse within the hours they are working, which is usually 10-12 hours. They will assist with settling the baby, establishing a routine, feeding and they will provide advice and support to the parents. Daily maternity nurses usually have daytime meals provided by the family.
The night maternity nurse will come in the early or late evening and stay with the baby overnight. Night nurses will rest when the baby is asleep and need to be provided with a comfortable place to sleep in the nursery or room next to the nursery. Even though a night maternity nurse does not have meals provided they need to have access to drinks and light snacks. They can work between 10–12 hours per night and can come to you between one-six nights a week.
Daily and nightly maternity nurses charge 20+ euros per hour.

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